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8 Reasons Your New Year’s Resolutions Didn’t Stick

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(and What To Do Differently Next Time)

Statistics show that, right now, about half of you have already given up on your New Year’s resolution. And, in another few weeks, half of the people left will have forgotten all about it as well.

Below are top eight reasons people don’t follow through on their resolutions and some tips to make next time more successful.

  1. You didn’t make a plan for it. A lot of people forget that a resolution is really just a GOAL. It doesn’t have additional superpowers just because it starts on January 1. A goal requires structure. Otherwise, it’s a wish.
    Next time: Be proactive. Make your plan. Look for possible obstacles and prepare for how you’ll deal with them.
  2. You forgot the reasons why you were doing it. Motivation matters. If you don’t know why the goal is important, it’s easy to drop.
    Next time: Clarify exactly why you’re doing this, why you NEED to do this. Write it down. Post it in visible locations. Create small reminders to help keep you focused when times get hard.
  3. You didn’t plan for setbacks. We all fall off the wagon at some point. You need a clearly defined plan for what to do when this happens and how you’ll get back on that horse.
    Next time: Recognize that things will get hard and unexpected obstacles will get the better of you. Give yourself some leeway. Find ways to forgive yourself and reignite the passion.
  4. You didn’t have a strong support network. Friends and family are important. They can help raise you up or push you down. With any goal, it’s important to surround yourself with people who believe in what you’re doing.
    Next time: Gather your groupies! Let them know what you’re doing and why and ask if you can count on them to help you reach your goal. If they’re not supportive, keep them at a distance.
  5. You took on too much too fast. Many of us get a little over-zealous around the New Year. We want to make huge leaps of progress overnight, but real growth is a slow and steady journey.
    Next time: Go in with reasonable expectations and be patient. It’s not about how much you achieve and how quickly. Focus on one, really important goal. Momentum will naturally build as you make incremental improvement.
  6. You weren’t accountable to anyone. Sure, you wanted to succeed. But, in the dark of night when you’re all alone, it’s easy to get persuaded by that nagging negative voice inside your head. An accountability partner helps keep you focused and on track, even when you think you’re ready to throw in the towel.
    Next time: Find one person who promises to hold you accountable. When you say you’re going to do something, this person follows up to make sure you’ve stayed true to your word.
  7. It wasn’t that important in the first place. Perhaps you set a goal that others wanted you to set. Or one you felt you “should” set. That’s not very motivating. It’s easy to give up on something that never really mattered that much to you in the first place.
    Next time: Choose a goal that matters. Don’t do it for anyone else but YOU. If it’s not something you truly believe in, you’ll never succeed.
  8. You’re afraid of success. Truth be told, a lot of goals sound great in theory but once you actually start thinking of what life will be like once it’s accomplished, fear can easily set in. Sometimes, we’re so attached to who we are and life as we know it-flaws and all-that we unconsciously sabotage ourselves.

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